First of all I have completed all of Pigham's animation. Some scenes have turned out better than I imaged them to be, so I am very happy with it.
I did come across a few annoying animation errors. The main one being that Pigham would slightly move between each scene cut. The reason for this was because I forgot to set Pigham's pose as a key frame at the start of each scene. So for example, if I set a key frame for him at frame 20, Pigham would slightly move in frames 1-19, creating an animation jump between each scene cut. To fix this I had to merge the model of Pigham from scene 1 into scene 2, and then copy the biped position of Pigham 1 to Pigham 2 and then set that position as a key frame.
Another problem that I had was keeping Pigham still between each key frame. For example, I would want him in one pose on frame 1 and to stay in the pose for 20 frames. So on frame 20 I would set another key frame in the same position. However, continuing to animate after the second key frame still slightly effects the model's between the first 2 key frames. This is known as easing. To fix this I had to use the Track Editor. This allowed me to see the movement of the model in between each key frame in the form of a line. All I had to do was flatten the line in between each frame and the model would remain stationary. This was annoyingly, a lot more difficult than it sounds... but I got there in the end.
Changes that I have made since the last update include the entire ending sequence. Instead of the rabbit stealing the apple, a load of apples fall on Pigham's head and knock him out. I have also added textures and lighting in order to make the animation more visually appealing. Finally, I have added some music which in my opinion, suits the animation perfectly. I will go into more detail for each individual scene, as well as the music and animation later. For now, here are a few screenshots:
Now that I have finished all of the animation, I will give some thought on the camera angles. I did want the camera to stay at one angle for the most part, simply for one scene in particular (the one where Pigham walks off screen). However, it does not create a very cinematic effect. So I will be experimenting with camera angles to add more effect to the scenes.
I still want to iclude the rabbit somewhere in the animation too, so I'll come up with some ideas for him.
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