Sunday 20 March 2011

Scene 4

Animation Procedures:
This is a short scene in which Pigham looks at his hands. There were no major animation procedures here. Mainly just moving the biped around.

Character Personality:
Pigham, still angry from not reaching the apple, looks at his hands in preperation for a jump. I wanted him to keep the angry expression on his face while looking at his hands because I thought that it made him seem determined to get the apple.

The camera is a close up of Pigham, at a slightly lowered angle. This creates a dramatic effect which strengthens Pigham's determination when he looks at his hands.

The only slight problem that I had was that this scene, as well as scenes 5 and 6 were all originally 1 scene. I had to split them up as I wanted to use different camera angles for each part. To do this I had to make a copy of each scene and change the position of the camera.

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